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Ronaldo Science Lab was established in 2005 with the goal this is strong text of conducting scientific researches connected with actual issues that are important for our government, state, and society. Using up-to-date equipment and being guided by the latest scientific innovations, our laboratory conducts scientific researches and offers great opportunities for enthusiasts to take part in some of researches and scientific project we carry out on a regular basis. We pay a lot of attention to teaching youth the basics of science, biology, chemistry and other disciplines in an exciting and entertaining way. That’s what the Ronaldo Science Laboratory has been about since 2005, when our first crime lab was born.

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Ronaldo Science Lab was established in 2005 with the goal this is inline link of conducting scientific researches connected with actual issues that are important for our government, state, and society. Using up-to-date equipment and being guided by the latest scientific innovations, our laboratory conducts scientific researches and offers great opportunities for enthusiasts to take part in some of researches and scientific project we carry out on a regular basis. We pay a lot of attention to teaching youth the basics of science, biology, chemistry and other disciplines in an exciting and entertaining way. That’s what the Ronaldo Science Laboratory has been about since 2005, when our first crime lab was born.

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Ronaldo Science Lab was established in 2005 with the goal this is marked out text of conducting scientific researches connected with actual issues that are important for our government, state, and society. Using up-to-date equipment and being guided by the latest scientific innovations, our laboratory conducts scientific researches and offers great opportunities for enthusiasts to take part in some of researches and scientific project we carry out on a regular basis. We pay a lot of attention to teaching youth the basics of science, biology, chemistry and other disciplines in an exciting and entertaining way. That’s what the Ronaldo Science Laboratory has been about since 2005, when our first crime lab was born.

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Ronaldo Science Lab was established in 2005 with the goal of conducting scientific researches connected with actual issues that are important for our government, state, and society. Using up-to-date equipment and being guided by the latest scientific innovations, our laboratory conducts scientific researches and offers great opportunities for enthusiasts to take part in some of researches and scientific project we carry out on a regular basis. We pay a lot of attention to teaching youth the basics of science, biology, chemistry and other disciplines in an exciting and entertaining way. That’s what the Ronaldo Science Laboratory has been about since 2005, when our first crime lab was born.

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Ronaldo Science Lab was established in 2005 with the goal of conducting scientific researches connected with actual issues that are important for our government, state, and society. Using up-to-date equipment and being guided by the latest scientific innovations, our laboratory conducts scientific researches and offers great opportunities for enthusiasts to take part in some of researches and scientific project we carry out on a regular basis. We pay a lot of attention to teaching youth the basics of science, biology, chemistry and other disciplines in an exciting and entertaining way. That’s what the Ronaldo Science Laboratory has been about since 2005, when our first crime lab was born.

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Ronaldo Science Lab was established in 2005 with the goal of conducting scientific researches connected with actual issues that are important for our government, state, and society. Using up-to-date equipment and being guided by the latest scientific innovations, our laboratory conducts scientific researches and offers great opportunities for enthusiasts to take part in some of researches and scientific project we carry out on a regular basis. We pay a lot of attention to teaching youth the basics of science, biology, chemistry and other disciplines in an exciting and entertaining way. That’s what the Ronaldo Science Laboratory has been about since 2005, when our first crime lab was born.

We see our work in not only educating youngsters, but also in pushing science forward and improving its current state. Everyone who works in the field of science knows about tiny amount of attention being paid to the development of modern science.

Ronaldo Science Lab was established in 2005 with the goal of conducting scientific researches connected with actual issues that are important for our government, state, and society.

Using up-to-date equipment and being guided by the latest scientific innovations, our laboratory conducts scientific researches and offers great opportunities for enthusiasts to take part in some of researches and scientific project we carry out on a regular basis.

We pay a lot of attention to teaching youth the basics of science, biology, chemistry and other disciplines in an exciting and entertaining way. We see our work in not only educating youngsters, but also in pushing science forward and improving its current state. Everyone who works in the field of science knows about tiny amount of attention being paid to the development of modern science. We are changing this with our activity.

Ronaldo Science Lab was established in 2005 with the goal of conducting scientific researches connected with actual issues that are important for our government, state, and society. Using up-to-date equipment and being guided by the latest scientific innovations, our laboratory conducts scientific researches and offers great opportunities for enthusiasts to take part in some of researches and scientific project we carry out on a regular basis.

We pay a lot of attention to teaching youth the basics of science, biology, chemistry and other disciplines in an exciting and entertaining way. We see our work in not only educating youngsters, but also in pushing science forward and improving its current state. Everyone who works in the field of science knows about tiny amount of attention being paid to the development of modern science. We are changing this with our activity.

We have recently finished our new project that includes deep research on behavior of cosmic rays, their way and purpose of elementary particles generation and how our environment can benefit from them. A group consisting from scientists and experts was involved in this research. Here are the results that we are ready to make public.



Representa para el IHER el sentido existencial. La solidaridad se vive, como el sentimiento y la actitud de unidad y apoyo incondicional hacia las personas que están en circunstancias de dificultad, manteniendo con ellas un nexo estrecho con el objetivo de lograr un fin común.


Vivido desde el IHER, como el valor que, en un vínculo con el prójimo, garantiza el cumplimiento de los compromisos con diligencia, seriedad y prudencia, generando confianza y tranquilidad, haciendo las cosas correctas en todo momento y respondiendo por cada una de nuestras acciones.


Institucionalmente representa el valor que desde la moralidad insta, bajo cualquier circunstancia, a decir y promover la verdad, actuando de forma transparente en nuestras relaciones con los demás en cada una de las acciones que promovemos.


En el IHER estamos convencidos de que, pese a las posibilidades y riegos que nos rodean en todos los contextos, podremos alcanzar nuestra meta, siempre con calidad, esmero y con la entrega al prójimo que nos caracteriza


El IHER ofrece a nivel nacional una Educación Básica y Media Alternativa, bajo Acuerdo Nacional N° 0758-SE-2015 de fecha 02 de junio de 2015.

Orientada hacia aquellas personas a partir de 14 años que por falta de recursos económicos, largas distancias a los centros educativos o  por razones de edad, género u origen étnico, no han tenido acceso a una educación formal. El IHER les brinda a estas personas la oportunidad de obtener un certificado  de estudios primarios y título de estudios secundarios mediante la educación a distancia.


  • Treinta y dos años de experiencia coordinando acciones con las comunidades urbanos marginales y rurales de Honduras para abrir oportunidades de educación AUTO SOSTENIBLES.

    Estructura de funcionamiento nacional bajo un mismo paraguas jurídico, pedagogíco y de acuerdos educativos. Con descentralización financiera.

    184 titulos de libros de autoaprendizaje que sirven de texto y cuaderno de trabajo para cada estudiante desarrollando en curriculo nacional basico actual, desde basica hasta bachilleratos.

    Material de apoyo y reforzamiento para el aprendizaje como programas radiales, podcast, tutoriales y videos educativos.

    Bachilleres graduados: 89,321.

    Cadena de producción de materiales impresos desde redacción, diseño e impresión.

    Imprenta equipada con tecnología de punta que presta toda clase de servicio de impresión y cuyo beneficio economico se reinvierte totalmente en educación.



Formar personas audaces y solidarias para impulsar el progreso de los hondureños a través de metodologías innovadoras.


Ser un referente en soluciones de educación alternativa de alta calidad, innovadora e inclusiva, para promover el desarrollo integral de Honduras.